Friday, October 21, 2005

Stop It Already!

Oh for the love of Pete...

Katie Couric is yet again on her teens and sex rant. Specifically she is flipping out about the oral sex among teens.

Currently the only things that my girls know about oral sex is when I am quickly switching the channel away from a Katie Couric rant.

Now I love Katie. I think she has stood strong in the face of hardship with the loss of her husband and raising her girls alone. As a maman of filles myself, I can't help but admire her. Is she a bit too perky for words... of course, but this is TV after all.

What I am having issues with is her position as doyenne of what is appropriate for our children. What movies are too intense, what behavior is inappropriate. OK... lovely. I guess we can say that you are helping those people who can't think for themselves. And I can see where she is probably working out her panic over having a teenage daughter.

But here is the trick.


Before 9am... there will be a bunch of school age kids still home.

I promise I will discuss the issue of oral sex with my filles. But not NOW. My girls are 9 and 10. I have already begun to talk to them about the facts of life. I handle it on a need to know basis and as questions come up. I have been honest and forthcoming with them. I have explained what my expecatations are. I have asked them about how they think they would react in certain situations. I have opened a dialogue and they come to me with ideas and questions that I know most kids would avoid discussing with their parents.

I don't need Katie to help me along. I didn't need the Angel's religion homework question about abortion last year either. I would have preferred to cover that issue with her myself. Which maybe why the school thought it best to head me off at the pass, I guess. Is this why Katie is trying to educate my children too... I am being dissed by Mme. Couric.

I certainly hope not.

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