Thursday, November 03, 2005

American Girls!

I was reading through my favorite daily blogs today, when I came upon Cursing Mama, who is clearly a kindred spirit when it comes to girlie matters.

She, like myself, is outraged by an allegedly pro-family group's proposed boycott of American Girl for their support of Girls, Inc. Girls, Inc. as I have mentioned before is an advocacy group that began in the mid 19th century and has continued to work for the literacy, health and economic wellbeing of ALL of our girls. Along the way, they provide information about birth control and abortion as well as sexual orientation. These alleged christians feel that to disagree with their slant on these topics should mark you as evil, apparently.

Frankly, since Girls, Inc. advocate parents talking to their daughters about expectations and beliefs I don't see what the problem is. Apparently the dissemination of information is the issue. They seem to be advocating that we keep this information from our girls and possibly even their mothers. Apparently smart, informed girls and woman are dangerous to their cause?

What made me so happy about reading Cursing Mama's blog was that she, like myself, sent a letter to the folks at American Girl. I think if more people sent their positive opinions to American Girl and their parent company Mattel we could quash this ridiculous anti-girl movement. To that end, I am listing the email addresses that I used for my email (as a note, these are the folks that the anti-girl group is targeting in their protest):,

Hope a bunch of you join us! In the meantime, you rock Cursing Mama!


Sleeping Mommy said...

Thank you for pointing this issue out I hadn't heard about it yet. It's a shame that groups like that feel the need to police other groups who are trying to make a positive difference in the world.


Maman said...

Amen Mommy...

This in particular is awful since Girls, Inc. is such a good organization over all! We should support them!

Cursing Mama said...

I figure its our responsibility to fight to keep the rights women before us fought so hard for us to enjoy.

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