Tuesday, November 08, 2005


That is what I am feeling like.

A complete and utter failure.

I spent the day yesterday doing the piles of laundry that were dumped into my bedroom. In the case of the filles' clothes it is more like they are being re-washed. The life cycle of girl clothes goes something like this: Washed, folded, dumped on floor, stay on floor, laundry basket, washed, etc. Please note that the clothese are not worn. Apparently they consider it a way to keep me busy and out of trouble.

Then I went into the downstairs bathroom and found dirty girl clothes. Panties. Dirty panties. What level of subservience have I reached that it is just assumed that I will pick up the dirty, stinky panties of a 10 year old girl no matter where she decides to drop them?

In the upstairs bathroom, Imelda took her filthy socks and threw them into the garbage can. Also my job to retreive. Blech.

At that point, I just cried the rest of the day. I was so upset. They are disrespectful pigs. I am a complete failure as a mother. I gave up my career and my body for these girls and now I am their personal servant.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you're failing as a mother, I think your daughters are failing as children. Perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about since I'm not yet a mother myself, but don't let your children walk all over you like that. You're a human being.

Teach them to do their own laundry for a week and see where that gets you.

I wish you the best of luck.

Sleeping Mommy said...

I know that feeling. At my lowest points that is exactly what I feel like.

Willow said...

Hey, my friend. Yout are not a failure. We all feel like that at times. We feel taken advantage of.

I'm a hardass and at times I just take away whatever it is they favor most (or threaten a tournament or belt test) until the work is done. NO TV, NO video games, NO phone. Kasha's even grounded from a friend for two weeks becuase chores weren't done and then getting snotty to me while she was on the phone with that friend's mother.

It's hard not to take treating your hard work like crap personally, but it's not personal. (I'm not excusing the fact that they didn't do their work - never think that I'd excuse it!) But once I learned not to take it personally, it didn't make me as angry. I removed my emotion as much as I could from the situation and tell them they'll do the work. Period. They're much more compliant now. (Not perfect, mind you - but more compliant).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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