Monday, November 21, 2005

Laundry -- Day 1

Muahhh ha ha haa!

My evil plan is working.

Les filles were VERY nonchalant about doing their laundry yesterday. "Oh, this is simple!" "I'm putting away MY clothes only!"

They were both soooo clever, self important and condescending.

This morning the trouble began.

"Mom? The socks are in the dryer. Can I borrow some of your socks?" -- Answer: No

"Mom? Where is my winter coat?"
-- Answer: Darned if I know. It should be hung up.

"Mom? Can I wear my jacket?"
-- Answer: No, it is 30 degrees out. You were told yesterday that you had to wear your coat and you said that you had everything ready to go.

As I watched hubby's blood pressure rise, I quietly walked over and whispered the magic words, "She needs to suffer the consequences of her actions. She is late. Not you!"

Yes, she was late to band. Again.

Yes, I am sure that she got yelled at for being late twice in a row. All part of the process, I guess. In the meantime, I am enjoying watching the mad scramble and not being responsible for the scrambling.

Cruel? I don't think so!

1 comment:

Willow said...

NOpe. Not cruel at all. Especially at that age.

I keep reminding Kasha if she doesn't do her homework first, she'll forget. And if she forgets, it's she that gets the "no credit" rather than I.

I did my remembering with years of homework all by myself. I refuse to do hers, too.