Sunday, November 27, 2005

What do you do when you have free time?

Hmmm... so I have a free afternoon and what do I do? Quarter a duck to make confit. It is sitting in a mix of herbs marinating right now. Hopefully it will be very tasty when I get done with it tomorrow.


Willow said...

Free time? You have free time?

Damn woman! Must be all those panties you're not having to wash. :snort:

Looks yuuuuummmmmmy! How'd it turn out?

Maman said...


would you believe that it had to marinate for 2 days? Now I have to cook it in its own fat over low temperatures (@225) until the meat falls off the bones....

Today is my day to cook it since I am running behind (as always!).

Since I have no girlie panties to clean, I find myself running back and forth to school for more basketball games and forgotten lunch and field trip forms. Who would have guessed?!