Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spring Break Report

I have been a terrible poster this last week...but we have arrived in Honolulu without incident, unless you want to count having to endure the "Are we there yet?" question every 15 minutes for 8 1/2 hours... the hotel we stayed at initially was beautiful.. I got the kids used to swimming in the ocean... and yes... I know that they have grandparents on the water in Long Island but they have terrified one and all from swimming in the bay with fears of being stung by jelly fish... a la Finding Nemo....

We are still having girls suffering from their various megrims and a complete over exhaustion due to massive jet lag... but we are having a blast and Imelda's enthusiasm for the beauty around them is weakening even the Angel's most jaded posturing...

Aloha to all!

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