Friday, December 29, 2006

Holy Childhood Memories, Batman!

I just made a wild discovery!

Ok... you have to be about my age and from the Buffalo to appreciate it... but...

This guy here: from Buffy and Angel and Bones and those tv shows.... is the son of:

Dave Thomas of Rocketship 7!!!!! Holy cow! This is more important to me than knowing who the kid is... I don't watch his stuff (although I can clearly see he is way hot)

Ok.. maybe the rest of you already knew that... but I just discovered it from letting my fingers do the walking through well, I only got there after watching Dido's White Flag video that featured the son... not the father... but you can see how a geeky mind might put it together when she has a working computer and a highspeed internet connection...

All this from an evening spent watching TheTube.


Poppy said...

I love that Dido song.

Anonymous said...

Captain Tom? WOW!