Sunday, January 07, 2007

I hate 6th grade.

I hated it the first time I took it....

That was the year that I had Mr. Creasey who rubbed girls backs to see if they were wearing bras (I was, and had been since the end of third grade). I was the year that I learned about biology in a meaningful way, Mr. T________ (Randy help me) who showed us about the development of chicks... I was the sadistic geek who open the eggs every couple of days and check the development of the chick fetuses... twisted I know.. but I approached it with the dispassion of a true scientist....

Now, what am I? screwing up social studies reports for the Angel.. SOCIAL STUDIES!!!!! That is just wrong. I should be the queen of Social Studies..

The Angel is doing a report on Italy... she is supposed to create an Italian menu and create a listing of different kinds of pasta.. Now, I view this as the lamest of assignments. What are they learning? How pasta is made? Where spaghetti-type pasta came from (CHINA: see Marco Polo). That noodles were indigenous to Italy (ITALIAN HISTORY: see Etruscans) but that those noodles were made of pulses made largely of chick peas and chestnuts?


No, instead she went to the Boy's house and screwed around for a while (Not literally, Jesus...) and brought the mess home for me to untangle. Why? Poor planning and computer screw ups.

In the meantime, I guess, she followed the chief rule, which was, NO SNOGGING.

This would seem simple, except I was greeted Friday afternoon with reports that the Angel and the Boy kissed in science class. Now you might ask, Where was the teacher? and the answer is: There in class.. distracted as she is so frequently, by the children. Quite the roll model. I daren't call school... they will only blame the boy and the Angel was an equal participant.


My rule now is simple. This girl goes nowhere that I can't personally verify the presence of a suitable adult.

I guess I am glad that her first real kiss was pleasant.... mine was not.. so that is a plus.. but she is so young.

So young.


Anonymous said...

It was Mr, Tarasik. We also hatched chickens in 1st grade in Mrs. Hansen's class. And then Timmy Bradley came to school with the chicken pox, and got everyone but 4 of us sick. We sat in school and basically played for two weeks straight!

Wasn't your first kiss with Jim Geckler? Wasn't everyone's first kiss with that slut?

I think I first macked it on with Marion Gibson! Or maybe it was Amy Boyer, her best friend, lol. We used to go to her family's palace there in Lockport, and hang. The had one room devoted to just video games.

Maman said...

I didn't have Mrs. Hansen... I went to Washington Hunt for K thru 1st. And no, Jim was not my first kiss.. that would have been pleasant. My first kiss, was Mason Miller, who was very sweet but too old for me since i was 12 and he was in 9th grade.

Marion Gibson or Maren Jensen?

Anonymous said...

Maron Gibson. She hung out with Darren May as well.

Wasn't Mason Miller darker than night? I think your mom did not approve, but we all said YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Breathe, love, breathe.... :)

The Angel will actually make it to adulthood and perhaps without any criminal activities that need to be sealed once she turns 18. Ha!

Seriously, I wouldn't worry about the kiss. I, and most girls I know, had our first kiss around 12 or 13. And that was more years ago than I care to count - and yes, I know you know how many! ;)