Tuesday, January 16, 2007

That isn't holiday behavior.

What do I think of when I consider Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Gee, NON-violence comes to mind... the Nobel PEACE prize is another?

How did we celebrate at Chez Maman? Well, there was no peaceful protest here.... There was a lot of screaming and name calling.... oh, and the demands began...."Buy me tape, I want to go to the mall, take me to the 6th grade basketball game..."

Well, I, in the spirit of non-violent protest, staged a boycott.

How? No one got anything that they wanted... I was non supportive and didn't buy tape thus leading to the worst styrofoam pyramid project EVER! And I refused to take anyone to the 6th grade boys basketball game even though a fellow cheerleader would be there making goo-goo eyes at someone's boyfriend. I am the meanest mom ever!

Free at last, free at last
Thank God almighty
[I am] free at last!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a real meany!

I hope you went out and bought them Heavenly Hash Ice Cream for Dessert!!

Maman said...

Yeah, yeah... it sounds like nothing.. but were they pissed!