Thursday, January 11, 2007

Up on the rooftop!

No reindeer paws for me! My new roof just went up!

I love this roof... and yes, I know that it is somewhat unusual because it is metal. Why metal, you ask? and everyone has....

A little something called the urban heat island effect. What is this? Well it is simple. The dark and rainwater impervious surfaces that are so common in our cities (read: roofs and streets) absorb solar energy and convert it into thermal energy.

When the thermal energy is created it makes the air above cities up to 15 degrees warmer than the surrounding countryside. This leads to increased air conditioning costs during a season with increased fuel costs (doesn't your utility add a surcharge for summer energy use in the name of 'fuel efficiency'?).

What can we do to stop this? Well, using lighter and more reflective surfaces is one way to do it... and I am doing my part!

My metal roof in a metallic champagne finish with a Hylar coating has a reflectivity(reflectance of energy waves) of .49 and a emissivity(energy radiated back into the atmosphere) of .80.

I am really excited about all of this. And will look forward to reaping the personal rewards of having this kind of roof. What is the reward you ask? Lower energy costs in the summer by decreasing the need for air conditioning in our house while knowing that we are working to decrease the temperature of the atmosphere around us.

Plus, I think it looks really pretty.

Don't you think?


Anonymous said...

OMG, you start off the great story about the roof, sounding very scientific, and then you get ALL GIRLS and say "IT LOOKS PRETTY"!!

Maybe Fun Daddy will loan it to one of his friends for a day. Or 17 years. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA

Maman said...

I am scientific because green building was my forte when I worked for the City of Chicago's Dept. of Environment... I know so much about roofing albedos it would make your head swim.

As for sounding like a girl, all I can say is, "DUH"

Anonymous said...

The house is looking GREAT! However, your trashy neighbors are going to have a lot more to complain about than the construction workers scaring their dog - your house, only 1/2 built, is already making theirs look MUCH MUCH worse - and I didnt' think theirs could look much worse. They are going to have a tough time selling that puppy!

Masako Magnini said...

Yes, it looks pretty! Metal roofing has many advantages including durability, heat conduction, and manageability. You made a great choice using one for your home. ;) Are you still stayin' there now?

Penelope Dingee said...

I agree with Masako that metal roofing was a great choice. Aside from the advantages he mentioned, another good thing about this type of roofing is that it needs little maintenance. You made a good investment! Congrats!