Friday, April 20, 2007

Random Thoughts

As I was wokened yesterday by the sounds of helicopters hovering over the rental. We live near t he intersection of two major highways, so this isn't entirely unusual. This lasted longer than normal, though. While walking the dog, I couldn't decided if I had dropped into Apocalypse Now or the ending of Goodfellas.....

This morning I pulled my hair back as I was getting ready to drive Fun Daddy to the office. By the time I got home, I looked in the mirror and noticed that my previously pulled back hair now made me look like Medusa. And NO! I did not take a picture.


Willow said...

Shoulda gone over to the nasty neighbor's house and started babbling weird stuff while holding some chicken innards.

Anonymous said...

wokened?! You've been spending too much time reading les filles' English papers! ;)