Sunday, August 07, 2005

Vacation -- Day 7

Where to begin....

First off... My little tiny Soshiebear is now 9! WHEE... She had a fabulous day yesterday, receiving cadeaux from all and sundry. Hubby and I presented her with her current heart's desire a camelbak. I am not entirely certain why she needs to travel with water on her back but she felt strongly about it and we are certainly not going to stop her from a. exercising or b. ceasing to enter the house ever 2 minutes for un verre of water to slake her undying thirst just to find the glass abandonned 2 seconds later in the living room still half full. In addition we got her some cheap bangles, fancy slippers and a night mask that reads "Drama Queen".

As always, there was a party to celebrate her natal day complete with Aunt Deedee and the cousins. She got a cake shaped like a beach ball... (merci, maman!) and a bbq.

I was concerned about the bbq as the hardly ever used (when we are not in town) dishwasher was on the fritz. This would not normally be of concern, but I fear ptomain whenever my inlaws wash the dishes since they rarely use sufficiently hot water, i.e. scalding, nor clean the dishes thoroughly. I am so grossed out by picking up pots and glasses with sheens of grease on them that I could scream. They think that they are saving energy and water by hand washing... and I am currently working on brainwashing them to convince them otherwise. Since my way of thinking is truly factually correct, I am not too concerned about the ethics of the brainwashing part. Especially since the worst result is that we may all avoid food poisoning.

Beyond that, the weather has been glorious, the pool divine. If some one could give me a hint on how to get rid of this case of swimmers ear I would be eternally grateful. It is annoying the merde out of me.

Oh, and hints on how to deal with a case of the hormone-induced sullens in a tween PLEASE, I beg you, clue me in. The Angel's fits of crabbiness are driving us all crazy. I keep pointing out her life would be easier if she tried cooperating just a bit.. since one catches more flies with honey than vinegar. She has determined that she doesn't want mouches... (I must speak to her new teacher about teaching her about metaphors) so when I see that pout on her face, I have taken to just calling out "Vinegar!" She thinks I am nuts... but what else is new.

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