Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Colder than a witch's ***

Fun Daddy got up early, early, early this morning so he could haul his heinie out to Ann Arbor, Michigan for work. The rest of us got up at the normal time. Les filles were complaining as usual. They are tired, it is cold, they can't find their gym uniforms, etc., etc. Cold was the part that caught my attention. My bedroom is always cold. I accept this as normal. Apparently the braintrust that installed the vents into my house in the '50's (I think) failed to put an output vent into my north-facing bedroom. It has been a standard around here that Fun Daddy and I freeze in the winter and broil in the summer. But les chambres des filles have always been heated and cooled appropriately.

I quickly got dressed and hurried downstairs and checked the thermostat. 59 degrees. Fahrenheit. WTF!???

Turns out that my furnace is working... but blowing around COLD AIR. The pilot light is out. BRRRRRGRRRRRR.

Luckily the kids are off to school. And I await the arrival of the furnace guys to re-light the pilot. (Yes, I am a pussy and afeared of blowing up my abode).

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