Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is puberty toxic?

Does anyone know a good child psychiatrist in the Chicagoland area? I believe that the Angel is suffering from some kind of estrogen poisoning that is making her become nutty... seriously nutty. I say the sky in blue, she tells me it is green. I say study hard in school, she says I am stupid.

Her contrariness is driving me insane. Frankly, I blame Fun Daddy for spoiling her, but naturally, he accepts no responsibility. I guess it must be all those years of bad parenting I did alone.

But really, therapist recommendations would be appreciated.


Willow said...

Kate is showing signs of pre-puberty and I'm terrified. Of course, her brattiness and moodiness is all MY doing, right? (According to Daddy, who apparently doesn't remember us saying, "If you let her get away with it now....")


Willow said...

Kate is showing signs of pre-puberty and I'm terrified. Of course, her brattiness and moodiness is all MY doing, right? (According to Daddy, who apparently doesn't remember us saying, "If you let her get away with it now....")
