Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What is Wrong With This Country...

I can't believe that I even see anything this stupid...

What do you say at your baby shower when you open these gifts?

"Did you give me a handbasket too?"

Oh, and why are they bothering with pink and blue when safety orange and camofluage would be so much more appropriate.


Unknown said...

that is SO disturbing... that's as disturbing as those "first kill" photos i see every once in a while surfing blogs... these smiling gradeschool guntoting boys (and sometimes girls) seated next to beautiful (dead) animals... i just don't get the whole gun culture thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Please, you can hardly be surprised - like your entire family wouldn't buy these given the chance! And several of your Uncles would probably send them to you as gifts if they weren't afraid you'd firebomb their houses in retaliation! hee hee hee