Thursday, August 07, 2008


It is hard to believe that there only 12 candles on that cake. It is shining with brightness.

Just like my baby girls future!

Nana likes to remind her of the night that she was born... She always thinks it is funny that the maternity waiting room is full of grandparents when it used to be full of fathers....

The doctor came out and asked all of the prospective grandparents if she could see the grandparents of the toddler that she had just delivered.....

That would be Imelda....

I remember that they came in and went right over to her, cooing about her dark curly hair and pudgy little arms and legs... And now she is 12.

She and her friend Kate made themselves home made spa treatments. Let puberty do its worst! They are ready.


Avitable said...

Aw, happy birthday to your daughter! After this, it's the teen years and all downhill.

Poppy said...

Happy birthday, Imelda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!