Friday, January 23, 2009

For Lillith

From Fun Daddy:

a white wisp to be seen again???
yes. hope. join us, yes soon…
tall, bold, mumbly, skinny…
always to be heard…in her way…
she knows best…she knows best…(please help)…
smart…taut…undiscovered bloom.
gazelle…a gazelle…running…jumping…slowing…stop…to tie…
a curious case…friends aplenty….sports friends…party friends…hard friends…
friend to many, close to few…
here, now, for a series of moments…on the granite…fleeting.
please….stay…for silent me.
want more, will get less….more to give to others….growing up.
growing lovely…growing self…as should be.
tiny…screaming…wriggling…small stalks of arms and legs screaming skyward…my celia…

1 comment:

Marguerite Barrett said...

Wow - Kevin looks so young! Happy Birthday, Celia!