Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Joe Lieberman sucks

The last couple of days have sucked. Everytime I look at the news, I am miserable.

The Healthcare Debate? Fuck Joe Lieberman. Why does he get to make the decisions based on what is best for him and his cronies instead of actual Americans.

That woman who disappeared from her home in Utah without her purse or car keys? She is dead. Her husband did it. And her father won't criticize him publicly. Anyone who takes toddlers camping at midnight in a snow storm is up to no good.

Add to it, that this morning we woke up with no hot water or hot air. The thermostat died and stopped hot air from flowing which then chilled the water in the water heater so it didn't work properly.

Can you guess that I just got my first paycheck? well, I guess it is gone now!

But truly this healthcare thing is pissing me off.

So I have emailed President Obama.

I suggest you do the same.

This health care bill is a travesty and I am disappointed that you are encouraging its passage. As a former Hyde Parker, who supported your candidacy before you were an official candidate, I am horrified with your gutless approach to this important subject.

You are making yourself an easy target for your enemies by trying to befriend them. Remember your Machiavelli! It is better to be feared than loved.

Kick some conservative butt. That is what we sent you to Washington for. Do it.

btw: the reCaptch words I got when submitting the email to POTUS? "Scalawag Employees" Weird, eh? Who do you think they are referring to?

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