Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Damn you Hannah Montana!

Oh, all right. I know, I know... I am cursing a fictional character.

But for the love of Jebus, what does a gal have to do to make her 11 year old happy?

I layed out the cash to join Miley World, the funnest place in the world for you average Hannah Montana fan. This was also supposed to help us get a jump on getting tickets for the December 8th show in Chicago.

We had it all worked out. I was going to get as many tickets as I could because all the 6th grade girls want to see her. That way they could all sit together.

It was an adorable dream. They also think that they will be in the first row and that the opening act, the adorable Jonas Brothers would invite them up on stage and ask them to dance. Ahhh... the dreams that we have when we are girls.

And then they are dashed on the rocks like the brains of baby seals....

Because even though I have the magic code to get in to buy tickets, the cruel reality is that there are no tickets available... at any price range. I try desperately for a half an hour to no avail... looking at the the little sticky note left by Imelda on my computer as I struggle through the Ticketmaster system. Sigh. Naturally of course the scalpers already have their tickets. The nosebleed seats are going for $150 a pop. Anything remotely decent is going for a whopping $850.00.

Now, I know that the main body of tickets will go on sale on Saturday. But I still had to see the welled up eyes of my little girl as I had to report my failure to her. Blech.

Damn you Hannah Montana!

1 comment:

Willow said...

That's fricken nuts!