Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Save me Blingee Jesus

I get this stuff from family....

Now you all know what is wrong with me....

Do you think that the artist added the sparkling golden gates? or was that an after thought?

Jesus is wearing a bathrobe! Did we ring the bell on the Pearly Gates while he was in the shower? And is he wearing a t-shirt under the robe? Puh-leeze! And doesn't this image make you think that Liberace is running heaven?

And if he is? Do I really want to be there?

Luckily, I am breaking the chain on the chain letter so I will never find out.


Marguerite Barrett said...

Your family needs an intervention...

I'm just surprised it wasn't a picture of GWB at the Pearly Gates. I'm sure they're part of the revisionist history crowd that's coming out of the woodwork to say that the last 8 years will eventually be viewed as one of the greatest presidencies in history!

Sorry, that was mean; I forget myself - good thing that Ann Coulter is around to remind that I'm just a whiny, paranoid liberal who thinks she's constantly a victim and who celebrates single motherhood - the root cause of all evil in the known universe. I need that regular reality check!

Maman said...

I liked Ann Coulter better when her jaw was wired shut. Unfortunately, I think that was the time she used to write this poorly conceived of codswallop.